A Message to Our Island Communities and Visitors Regarding COVID-19.

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ʻImiloa will be closed to the public through March 31, 2020 in an abundance of caution and as a preemptive measure to curtail the spread of coronavirus. All groups and field trips for the month of March have been canceled. While there have not been any reported cases of infection or exposure at our center, the health and safety of ʻImiloa visitors, employees and volunteers is our top priority.

We will continue to work with local and state health and university officials to coordinate our efforts and will announce updates on our website, via email, and through our social media channels.

Memberships will be extended beyond expiration dates as a result of this temporary closure. More details to follow.

Please stay in touch with us via our website and social media as we introduce new ways to share Hawaiʻi’s legacy of exploration. ‘Imiloa is committed to continuing to serve all of our audiences with the unique brand of culture-based science programming for which we’ve become known. We’ll be developing new online resources to assist you and your ʻohana.

Mahalo for your understanding and continued support as we navigate this challenge together.

Much Aloha,
The ʻImiloa ʻOhana


‘Imiloa @ Home: Resources for Backyard Explorers


ʻImiloa Turns 14 With A Focus On Sustainability