‘Imiloa mentioned in the Dallas Morning News!


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Imagine being a kid surrounded by stories about trailblazing explorers, pioneers of space and wildcatters who changed the world. For kids with curious minds, it sounds like the sort of place you’d love to stay for days, even live in, to wander and learn and explore.

Well, some lucky students in Fort Worth are going to get about as close to life at the museum as they can. That’s thanks to an innovative and praiseworthy plan to open a K-2 charter school at the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History.

Almost no one else is doing this. According to members of the museum staff and board of directors, a few museums in Europe have opened on-site grade schools. A museum in Hawaii called the ‘Imiloa Astronomy Center has explored a similar program. In fact, that’s where the Fort Worth idea came from. Interim President Kippen de Alba Chu came to the museum after serving as the executive director of Iolani Palace in Honolulu. He knew about the Hawaii program and suggested it to his staff…


Hilo astronomy center reopens after being shut down due to the pandemic


‘Imiloa Prepares for Reopening