ʻImiloa News

Astronomy Imiloa Astronomy Imiloa

2020’s Rare Great Conjunction

Great Conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn occur about once every 20 years; the last one occurred in May 2000 but it was almost impossible to see and the planets have not appeared this close since the Great Conjunction of 1623.

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Imiloa Imiloa

Kō: Hawaiʻi’s Legacy; Hawaiʻi’s Future

The histories of kō (sugarcane) and Hawaiʻi are inseparable. Introduced by Polynesian wayfinders between 700 and 1,700 years ago as a canoe crop, sugarcane was grown by Native Hawaiians for food and medicine. Post-contact it has—for better or worse—played a central role in Hawaiʻi’s agriculture, economy, labor importation, cultural development, environment, and political evolution.

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